George Vincent Holder was born Abt 1780 in Duplin(Sampson) County North Carolina. He and his family moved to Cumberland(Harnett) County right next door to Duplin County. George married Mary Lockamy. Nothing is known of Mary but DNA shows we are related to the Lockamy family that comes from Sampson County North Carolina.
George Vincent Holder was listed on the 1800 Sampson County Census and owned land in 1805 in Sampson County and then by 1830 he is listed on the Barbacue District, Cumberland County, North Carolina Census and ownes land in 1838 Cumberland County.
In 1806 George Vincent Holder had an illegitimate child with Sarah Hall and was ordered in court to pay for the girl child until she is 21 years old.Then in about 1806 George Vincent married Mary Lockamy. Together they have 6 children:
Elizabeth (Betsy) Holder born abt 1807 Married William Garman(Jarman)
Nancy Holder 27 Apr 1810 Married Alexander McPhail
Wiley Holder 25 Apr 1812 Had a illegitimate child with a slave(Miss McNeill Holder) of his Uncle William Holder. Married Ann Blanchard born 1825. Married Catherine Black born 1849.
Ithra Holder born abt 1818 Married Mary Jane Stewart
Jacob Holder born 1820 Married Elizabeth Mason
George Vincent Holder Jr. born abt 1822 Married Nancy Campbell
In abt 1830 George married Christian McLean and have one child:
Anna Jane Holder born abt 1830
In the history written by Elizabeth (Bessie) Ritchie Rogers and Grace Ritchie Mann,(daughters of Nelson Holder Ritchie) they both mention that Nelson told them that people used to tell him he looked like his Grandfather OLD VINCENT. Notice George Vincent Holder is often listed as VINCENT and he has a son named George Vincent Holder Jr so the older George Vincent would be called OLD VINCENT.
Headstone of George Vincent Holder and Mary Lockamy
Located in the Holder Family Cemetery in Harnett County North Carolina
Land owned by George Vincent Holder Harnett County North Carolina
George Vincent Holder land Harnett Co North Carolina
George Vincent Holder Land-still growing tobacco
Map of land owned by George Vincent in Sampson County North Carolina
George Vincent Holder owned land in Sampson County NC 1801
Land owned by George Vincent Holder Sampson Co. 1802
Land owned by George Vincent and his father George Holder in Sampson County NC
1802 Sampson County Land deed for George Vincent Holder sometimes recorded as Vinson
George Vincent Holder had a child out of wedlock with Sarah Hall ordered to pay to care for the girl child 1803
George Vincent Holder had a child out of wedlock with Sarah Hall
George Vincent Holder to be a river worker 1807 Sampson County NC
George Vincent Holder to be a road worker 1797 Sampson County NC
1800 Sampson County North Carloina Census
George Vincent Holder land to be sold for back taxes for the year 1807
George Vincent Holder 1810 Sampson County North Carolina Census
George Vincent Holder estate of his father 1812
George Vincent Holder 1820 Sampson County Census
George Vincent Holder 1828 letters in the Fayetteville post office Cumberland
George Vincent Holder 1830 Barbacue District,Cumberland County North Carolina Census
George Vincent Holder 1837 Land deed Cumberland NC
George Vincent Holder property in Harnett County North Carolina. Property has been in the Holder family since the 1830's
George Vincent Holder property in Harnett County North Carolina
Jones Creek Harnett County NC location of the grist mill of George Vincent Holder
George Vincent Holder 1840 Cumberland County North Carolina Census
1838 Cumberland County land deed for George Vincent Holder
1835 Cumberland County Land Deed for George Vincent Holder
1837 Cumberland County Land deed for George Vincent Holder
1851 Cumberland County land deed for George Vincent Holder
George Vincent Holder letter left at post office 1843
George Vincent Holder marriage to second wife Christian McLean 1848
George Vincent Holder land to be sold for back taxes 1849
George Holder and second wife in the 1850 Cumberland County NC Census
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